Confessional. Traditionally, a wooden box in a Catholic church; the priest sits in one side, the sinner in another, and a grill separates them to allow conversation, but preserve anonymity.

In practice, these boxes have, where possible, been ripped out of Catholic churches over the last 40 years. In Catholic churches built during that time, a room has sometimes been added, with a door opening off the nave. But most acts of reconciliation are celebrated face to face these days, either privately, or as part of a service of reconciliation, where 3 or more priests sit in different parts of the church, and people go to make a confession while music plays.

Curiously, though, one or two old-style confessionals survive in Anglican churches, installed there during militantly Anglo-catholic days.

In medieval times, confessions seem to have been heard sitting in a pew, as illustrated on many seven sacraments fonts. The idea of a confessional box is probably a southern European one, imported in the early 19th century.